young language immersion specialist working alone.

It’s difficult to improve your dual language program when you are the only one on your team.

You want to give your students the best possible chance for success but how do you make that happen?

group of dual language specialists networking and helping each other.

We bring professionals together from across the country to solve real-world problems and learn from each other.

The Dual Language Immersion Alliance provides opportunities to collaborate with world-class professionals at our in-person and virtual meetings.


Make Connections

people icon.

Network with fellow dual language administrators and build a support system.

Gain Insights

mind gears icon.

Learn about the newest & best practices in the Dual Language and Bilingual Education field.

Discover Solutions

lightbulb magnifying glass.

Walk away with actionable solutions to take your program to the next level.

What Members Are Saying…

“Appreciate the thoughtful and inclusive approach that balanced presentation with input and discussion.”

–Michael Bacon

Loved the opportunity to discuss successes and challenges in our programs.

–Carmen Henninger

Every program is SOOOO different!  I'm in good company in terms of what I'm focusing on / worried about.

–Cherice Montgomery

Upcoming Events

Network and Share at ACTFL

Date: November 23, 2024
Time: 7:15-9am ET
Place: Philadelphia Mariott Downtown
Conference Rooms 407-409

Join other DLI Alliance members at this invite-only event during the annual ACTFL conference in Philadelphia! Network with other administrators of dual language programs while you enjoy a continental breakfast....

See Event Page

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the DLI Alliance?

The Alliance is a network of K -12 practitioners and education researchers seeking to advance quality and build dual language immersion learning capacity by identifying core features and variables for quality implementation in DLI.
These programs can successfully prepare students to be multilingual, multiliterate, multicultural, and career or college-ready.

The Alliance is positioned to address issues in research and policy to ensure long-term success for this important intervention strategy.

Who Can Join DLIA?

DLIA membership is for educators who are actively working in the dual language immersions field.

What Does DLIA Membership Cost?

DLIA Membership is completely free.

What Do DLIA Events Cost?

DLIA events are free, including breakfasts, networking opportunties, and online meetings.

Why Is This Free?

DLIA is sponsored by Avant as part of an initiative to help grow dual language programs.